What Wagers Can You Make On the Hit TV Show, Tiger King?


Source: Pixabay

When Netflix first commissioned Eric Goode and Rebecca Chaiklin to make a series about an outlandish private zookeeper, few executives at the company would have predicted that the ensuing show would be one of the most successful to ever be streamed on the platform. However, that is exactly what Tiger King has turned out to be – a global smash hit, as well as a show that is extremely popular right across North America, as evident by the many betting options in online casinos.

In fact, the British TV documentary maker and presenter, Louis Theroux – son of the famous American travel writer, Paul Theroux – had already made a show about Joe Exotic, the convicted felon and zoo operator who is the main subject of Tiger King back in 2011. His one-off show was part of his strand of programmes entitled 'Weird Weekends' but it never delved so deeply into the personal life of Joe. Nor did it feature one of Tiger King's other big stars, Carole Baskin.

Overall, it is the combination of Joe's unconventional lifestyle, which is not merely related to the fact that he keeps so many big cats on his property, and the long-running feud between him and Carole that gives the show its added spice. After all, there has never been a hit show entirely devoted to exotic animal parks before. And it is all these elements that provide such diverse options when betting on the future of Tiger King in an online casino in Canada.

If you have never watched Tiger King, then it is certainly one to catch up on because it really is the show that everyone is talking about. In fact, the format has proved to be so popular that bookmakers are now looking to get in on its popularity. If you fancy placing a fun wager on something that is not so run-of-the-mill, then consider placing a bet on Tiger King in online casinos. What types of bet can you make on the people involved in the show?

carole baskin

Source: Michael Noonan via Wikimedia Commons. This image has been cropped. Used under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

The Don Lewis Special Bet

Without wishing to give away any of the twists and turns that take place over the eight episodes of Tiger King, it is fair to say that there is no love lost between Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin. She cannot stand the way he treats his animals as the CEO of an organisation devoted to the care of animals, known as Big Cat Rescue. Equally, he does not like the way she seems to target him and his business as a zoo owner-operator. In 1997, Carole's second husband, Don Lewis, went missing in mysterious circumstances from the couple's home in Tampa, Florida. In the show, Joe makes it clear that he thinks Carole was responsible for Don's disappearance and even suggests he may have been murdered.

This is what gives Tiger King an element of the true crime documentary which so many viewers enjoy. However, some are a little suspicious about the whole story involving Don and wonder if this element has been over-hyped by the show's main protagonists. What is known is that Don took out a restraining order against Baskin shortly before he went missing. Is there some truth to the story or is it all hype to boost the intrigue in the show? Certainly some people think the latter – that Don is alive and well, now living in Costa Rica, a place that he was known to frequent. If so, they can back their suspicions with a bet in a casino online. You'll get odds of about 14 to 1 on Don being found but these prices may shorten dramatically if further rumours start to emerge.

joe exotic

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Betting On Actors to Play Exotic and Baskin

It is not just the true life events surrounding Tiger King that you can bet on in an online casino. In recent times, speculation has been rife that the characters in the show are going to get the big screen treatment from Hollywood. If this turns out to be the case, then who will portray some of the show's larger-than-life personalities will be a big talking point. Bookmakers know this which is why they have already started to offer odds on potential actors who will take on the role of Carole Baskin.

At the moment Allison Janney is the favourites to portray Baskin in a silver screen adaptation of Tiger King. A prolific character actress, she has played several outlandish characters before so few would argue that she wouldn't do a good job. However, Laura Linney and Jessica Lange have both attracted backers for the role of Baskin, too. They currently stand at 5 to 1 and 6 to 1 respectively although the odds on Janney are much shorter. If you fancy a more outside shot, then how about putting a bet on Tilda Swinton of Julianne Moore? Nicole Kidman is even more of a long shot at 16 to 1.

Then, there's the opportunity to bet on who will play Joe Exotic, too. Most bookmakers think that Kevin Bacon is the most probable candidate for casting directors to choose. His odds currently stand at 5 to 2. However, Brad Pitt is not much further out at 7 to 2. Interestingly, you can also bet on Pitt to portray Joe in a TV drama based on the show. For the cinematic version, Billy Bob Thornton and Robert Downey Jr are both in the running with odds of 10 to 1 or shorter. Longer shots include Ed Norton, Orlando Bloom and Ben Stiller.

Of course, one thing we do know, the movie of Tiger King is likely to be a big success - if the ratings of the TV show are anything to go by anyway.

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